If there are any urgent and essential errors (such as a mistake with the name), please contact us immediately using the email option at the bottom of this article.
Apart from these special cases, all orders are final once placed.
Please note that any non-essential late changes made after ordering may incur a processing fee, this will only happen if your card has already been produced.
Below are the fees per different card size and style
Standard / Small - £4.99
Standard / Medium - £6.99
Standard / Large - £9.99
Metal / Small - £6.99
Metal / Medium - £9.99
Metal / Large- £12.99
Any non-essential changes are likely to add extra production time to your order meaning it will take longer to be dispatched, this is due to the card being designed and produced from the beginning again. For example: If you have ordered fast track (1-3 business days dispatch) and it has been 3 business days we will need to go back to day 1 and the process starts again.